Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Since it got colder, I've been kind of in a rut. I say that we can't go outside to walk, but I know that we probably could AND even if we couldn't, I have things I could do inside. I think I am just in a rut. I want to be healthy, but I also am becoming more okay with my weight and body. Maybe part of me is getting used to being a mom and an adult.

I don't look at pictures of me in High School and wish I were that skinny any more (okay, that's a lie... part of me does say that!) But mostly, I see me as a young girl and now I'm a woman. I have the hips, flabby skin, stretch marks, and much more to prove it.

My problem is that I can pretty much eat what I want and maintain my weight of about 140. If I cut out a lot of bad carbs and sweets, I don't see too much of a difference. How much weight do you lose just by doing this, and how long does it take? Is the only way for me to lose weight, exercise? Maybe I should do some research. That way I can know how much I need to exercise, how long, and what results I can see from it.

Anyway, that's where I am at right now. I feel like if I do anything, it's not going to show, so why bother? But I know it's an overall health issue that will be with me for the rest of my life. The Halloween candy gets thrown out tonight! :)

On a brighter note, I realized that instead of just reading scriptures to help me with feeling the spirit everyday, I remembered there is a church magazine! The Ensign! If I read one or two articles a day, this would definitely help. I was so excited to realize this. I used to read the Ensign cover to cover and it's been probably 2-3 years since I've done that, even though we have been subscribers the entire time. There are so many great articles and good ideas to build me up and in turn, help me be a better daughter of God and follower of Christ. I'm excited to start doing this.

Also, I've bought stuff to make a carseat blanket/cart cover. I have nothing to copy to make it. It's just an idea ripped off of a lot of other ideas. I want to get it done this week, so we'll see how it goes. Hopefully I get it done, and it looks awesome!

1 comment:

  1. I hope your car seat cover turns out cute.
    As far as exercise, yes it is the only way to be truly healthy. Your heart needs it, your arteries need it, your brain needs it, your spirit needs it.... I could go on but I'll stop.
    I think you havn't found the type of exercise you love yet. There are bazillions of ways to get your heart rate up. You will love something if you keep looking. And don't be affraid to think outside the box.
    You can't play tag with Ryan yet, but I bet he'll boogie with ya!:) Turn up the tunes and get down for an hour or so with Ryan. You wont want to stop when the time is up I bet.
    If you don't think you know enough "moves" to get down for that long, try geting on youtube and look up some hip hop dance moves or something, that'll keep you going.
    See what I mean? Just do stuff that gets your heart rate up.
    The less you do, the less you will want to do. The more you do, the more you will WANT to do. :)
    When we don't have energy, a lot of times its because we didn't use enough of it so our bodies don't think they need to bother making more. Weird huh? I always thought so.
    Anyway, you can do this. Keep going. Don't lose faith in the real you and just accept whoever wants to take her place. Life goes down the crapper real fast if we let it.
    Headaches, heart disease, chronic fatigue, liver disease, thyroidism, diabetes, mysterious pain that never goes away, osteoperosis... They're all waiting for you and me, and they're not as far off as we want to think. They're also all preventable.
    If we do nothing, it will just get harder and harder to feel good and have energy and be happy.
    Fight for the life you want Shirley. You deserve it. Don't tell yourself you don't want to, instead remind yourself of how powerful you truly are and then get out there and do what you need to do.
