Wednesday, November 4, 2009

So I walked, and walked, and walked, and walked...

AND walked today. :)

Ryan was almost asleep by the end. It felt great. I really do like walking. I realized I really like exercise that takes no prep and hardly anything to clean up either. I am not so sweaty that I HAVE to shower right then, which makes it nice when other things come up. It's so warm right now, that I am out there. Hopefully, I won't let the mommy worries get me from going when it gets colder!

My mind was wandering today about how trials make us come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. As we have these trials, we look to them for strength or just some arms to wrap around us and hold us when we weep. They understand everything we have been through and will go through, because Christ has gone through it already for us. I was just thinking about how I haven't had any really hard trials in a while and maybe that's why I am not as close as I'd like to be. But then I realized that I need to be going to them for much more than the really hard trials. There are small trials we face everyday that can affect us in the long run.

I constantly question myself as a mother and wife. I know that I can be better and stronger and happier with who I am, if I lean on them. I can do this by prayer and studying scriptures, or like I said, read the Ensign. Another thing that really helps me study and grow closer to Heavenly Father is journaling. I haven't done this besides blogging for a really long time. I was pretty consistent at it when I was dating Jared (and what great memories those are to read!) I feel bad that I haven't done much about motherhood and how it really feels. This is why I am glad I have this blog, because it will help with that.

So what I have decided to do is to ASK Heavenly Father to help me with something at least once a week. I can even ask Him to help me with getting in the habit of good eating and exercise. I can ask Him to help me be a better mother, as well as giving myself the time I need to be a person. Some of these things may seem silly, but they help us grow either way so I am sure that I will get the help if I truly ask for it. It will be an interesting experiment, for sure! We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Yep. All my comments are usually so dang long, this time I'm going with a short one. :)
