Today has been such a weird day. I am feeling very bipolar in my feelings, which makes it hard to follow through on stuff.
I got a call last night from the choir director inviting me to choir practice. It is at 11 am every Sunday. That is usually when I am preparing my lesson so normally I can't make it. My friend Julie Anne said that I just need to prepare my lesson earlier! Of course! So that was the plan, but I ran out of time yesterday.
I was still going to try and make it today. Sundays are Jared's day to sleep in. I normally prepare my lesson when Ryan goes down for a nap around 9:30-10 am. Since choir is at 11, I would have to prepare it earlier and shower earlier.
Well I got up this morning and it just wasn't happening. I was so cranky and tired. There was no way I was going to finish my lesson and shower and take care of Ryan all before 11 am. So I gave up and took a nap when Ryan napped instead. I got my lesson ready and showered all before he woke up. Jared went home teaching at noon so that made it even more crazy. But I stayed calm through it all. Ryan was still eating lunch at 12:55 and I hadn't finished preparing my lesson. Instead of going all crazy trying to get to church on time, I just relaxed. We got there about 1:15ish and still made sacrament! I was so happy. Everything worked out!
I just felt bad I didn't make it to choir. I will try harder next Sunday.
I got up and beared my testimony today. It has been such a long time since I've done that. I haven't had the "get up and do it" knot in my stomach for a long time. I thought, oh fast sunday, I am so glad I don't get those knots any more. Then I thought, well you haven't really done any "missionary work" (what I talked with my primary class about last week), and this would be a great opportunity. Well shoot. Here come the knots!!! So I got up as fast as I could. It was shaky, but the important parts were there. I even teared up. It's been awhile for that. I heard once that it should be called "burying" your testimony. They more you bear it, the bigger it grows. So yes, my heart and soul feels full today.
But I also feel weird today. I told my primary kids I was having a blah day. Don't you ever have one of those? I asked. Some said yes, and one girl said emphatically, NO! She is such a happy girl; I totally believe her. I hope I end today on a good note. I am happier than I was this morning. We'll see. :)
I am trying to do new exercises at night to strengthen my core, and as I do those, I am going to try and remember to say my prayers as well. A 25-year-old mother should never forget to say her prayers. I have much to be grateful for and much that I need. I forget that I have my Heavenly Father here with me at all times to talk to. I need Him. Praying at night will help me strengthen my role as a mother and wife and as a homemaker (what a tough job that is!) This is my spiritual goal this week.
I will try to get back on this week to talk physical stuff. I'm pretty excited about how things are going so please look back for more updates!
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