Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spiritual Sunday

Sorry this is so late. It's been such a crazy couple of weeks. That said, this is going to be short.

I just wanted to say how much I love church. I am loving my calling more and more, and Jared was so nice to take Ryan out and I just listened and felt the spirit so warmly. There are so many things I want to be better at, and I am just reminded about it at church each week.

My teaching companion was released this week and called to the Primary presidency. So that means that I no longer can attend Relief Society until I get a new companion. You would think I would be disappointed, but I totally am not. I actually like being able to teach alone. My teaching companion was AMAZING and I usually felt like I was teaching along with meeting her expectations. I also felt like my class liked her better, even if that is true or not. This past Sunday though, my class was amazing. I dealt with them when I needed to, and we had a lot of fun. I taught them about how to be a missionary even when you're a kid.

I told them the story about Ammon and King Lamoni, and then left out the part about chopping off all the arms, but told them they should ask their parents about it. One boy was SO interested! He wanted to know what it was I wasn't saying. I told him it was violent; of course, he loved it more. I wonder if he did go home and ask him mom about it. He doesn't come as much because he doesn't like church, so I hope the class was fun for him.

I told the kids that I need to work on being a better missionary as well. I am teaching them basic principles like prayer and about Jesus Christ's life. Lately, I have been horrible with my prayers. I would love to get into the habit of saying them morning and night again. So what I realized is that I need to learn from these as well. So each Sunday, I am going to try and do what I ask my kids to do. It should be fun. No, so far I haven't done anything missionary like. I have a few more days this week though! :)

I would like to learn more about the bible, so I have a goal to start reading the New Testament soon and hopefully finish it in a year or so. Is that possible? I hope so. :)

Things are going good. I am still stressed in many areas of my life, but I'm hoping to organize it better so things will be less stressful. We'll see how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. That's cool Shirley - what age group do you teach? We were going to try and move to Provo, but one of the reasons we stayed was because of our sunday school class - we really love those kids.
