Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day Eleven

Okay today isn't going very well.

First off - I have a question. How long should you wait to exercise after you have eaten? Usually I try to eat when the baby eats, but sometimes it doesn't happen. Then the only time I have to eat is right before a work out. Is it better to eat right before or to skip it and eat after?

Second - My legs are killing me! Seriously, isn't this supposed to be getting easier? I had to stop my work out half way because I hurt my thigh doing a squat. I squatted down pretty low and it hurt my right thigh so bad! I can't really put any pressure on it. The rest of the work out used lunges or squatting or putting all the weight on one leg, and it just hurt to bad to continue. It's better to stop than hurt it more, right?

My lower back is start to hurt. Especially when we do twists and I am tightening my abs. I don't know if it's just the muscles or not, but is that supposed to happen?

Hopefully tomorrow my leg is better and I can get right back to it. Thanks for answering my questions!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had answers to your questions but I don't. Congratulations though! Don't they say that it takes a month to make a new habit? If so you are half way there!
