I am starting this blog to write about my progress and to sort of be accountable to someone (readers). So I will write daily about what I did that day and how I feel. I've never really been into fitness and exercise and am hoping that it won't be too difficult to get used to. The game has a 30 day challenge, and if I can finish that, I should be well on my way to being used to it.
I have always been really skinny and never tried very hard to stay that way. When I was 14, I was on the Simi Valley High School cheer squad and actually started to tone up with all the running and toning exercises that were required. In high school, I was about 110-115 lbs and a size 2-4. In college, I was much less fit and started not fitting into my clothes. I did get down to 105 my freshman year because of some emotional issues I had, but I don't think I want to lose weight that way again. :) When I got married, I was 120 and a size 5. Now I am 143.5 (5 is baby weight) and who knows what size. :) Probably an 8 or 10. I would LOVE to be 130 by the end of summer and be more tone and a size 6-8.
Here are my beginning pictures. I just need to look at these for motivation. :/
So know you know why I have this blog and what my goals are and how I am going to achieve them. Wish me luck!!
Ok, so now I found your fitness blog. BTY, no apostrophy, that tripped me up. Anywho, you're gonna be fit before you know it. I heard those Wii fitness things are pretty fun and a great work out. Also, if you ever wanna come running with me or something, that'd be cool to. Or you could come to the gym with me sometime. They don't take the baby till he's 6 mo, but that will be here before you know it.