Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 1 - 5/20/09

Today was a tough day for me. I didn't get good sleep last night, which is very important in the energy department, so I'm really drained right now. I got up with all good intentions of working out. I was 5 minutes into my work out when I got a phone call from a friend from my old apartment telling me she was pregnant! It was very exciting news and anyone who's been pregnant before knows how easy it is to talk about everything pregnancy and baby. By the time we had finished talking, Ryan had woken up from his nap. He didn't even sleep an hour and normally he sleeps about 2-2 1/2 hours in his late morning nap. Ugh.

I left the game on all day so I could get to it when I had time. But Ryan never had a good nap today and I had other things I needed to do: cat litter, add pictures to print for Ryan's scrapbook (have to finish it before I go back to work), and it was Ryan's 2 month birthday today so I needed to blog about that. This pretty much took up all my free time during the day and by the time evening came I was exhausted. So I guess my fitness isn't a number one priority right now. But to be positive, I at least worked out for 5 minutes! I can even feel it in my legs. :)

Other positives for the day: Drank only water, had about 3-4 servings of fruit, 3-4 servings of veggies, and no fast food. My main goals with eating are to eat more fruit and veggies and no drinks but water, and no fast food. So in the food part of my goal, I did well today. Hopefully tomorrow goes better!

1 comment:

  1. Hey this blog is a really good idea! I should totally do one! I have gained so much weight sense I moved up here it is making me sick! The girl that called from the old apart that is preg. . .was it anyone I knew? thats exciting! Anyway I am with ya every step of the way I am going to follow your blog! I love blogs! Good luck! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
