Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What's Going On

So if you haven't heard yet, I'm pregnant.

I got to my goal of 130 and went forward with the "process." It happened on the first try and guess what symptoms I have? Hunger and lots of it! During this time, I've had two family reunions where there was plentiful food. I was hungry and I ate it.

I stepped on the scale when I got back from California and guess what! I'm back to my old weight of 140 pounds!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!

In my mind, I want to immediately start dieting. Can't! I <------ am prego! But I can eat healthier. Well I am still starving. So I still have to eat a lot of it. Oh well. And who knows how much of it is baby. I've heard of women getting bigger earlier in later pregnancies. I SWEAR!

One thing I've been way bad in is that I stopped working out. I've been working on The Ribbon Retreat Blog (lots of fun stuff if you haven't checked it out recently!) so working out has gone to the side. But I know I need to start it up again and work out to my prenatal dvds! So my goal is for next monday to start back up my routine. I know I won't lose weight, but this is so I can lose weight faster when this baby comes. I know I will be anxious to! And I hope I don't gain as much. I had such a fat face last time. So here's me crossing my fingers!


  1. Generally in second pregnancies you do start to show a lot faster, so don't freak out when you do! You're doing great! It's funny how with the first pregnancy we go "Woo! Free ride to have 7 hamburgers!" and then afterwards curse those burgers sitting on our thighs. Good luck with the hunger, I remember being capable of killing someone for some meat.

  2. I gained a lot of weight quickly right at the beginning of my pregnancy with Cannon. And it evened out in the end for me. If it's supposed to get worse your second time around, then I wonder what will it be like when I'm pregnant with #2?

  3. You have been one busy mama! Congrats on #2 by the way!! Super exciting! How far along are you?
