Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Desk

I really needed to get that picture of those delicious looking brownies off the front page! People viewing the blog for the first time are probably wondering if this really IS a fitness blog. Don't fret, it really is and those weren't my brownies so I didn't get any. :)

The title is completely obvious. I bought a desk. A funny thing happened the other day. You know how I normally take our bills and put them on the kitchen counter? And how they go from the kitchen counter into a bag or a laundry bin full of crap to take upstairs? And then stuff gets lost and forgotten? Yeah? Well I was cleaning through one of the laundry bins full of crap and going through the unimportant mail that we open, shred, and throw away. Well I opened one from Wachovia that had a check for $250 freaking dollars!!! Yes $250! I couldn't believe it. It was a refund from when we refinanced our car through a new bank. I don't know how we missed that money. We even went through our budget that month. Suffice to say, I was VERY excited about this discovery.

Now I immediately started thinking about the possibilities for this money. Paying off some debt, fixing something in the car, new pants (still desperately needed!) and then I got the idea of a desk. Yes, a desk with a filing cabinet to put all my bills. How wonderful to be more organized right?

I found this cute one after a few days of searching KSL classifieds and a few furniture stores. I found it at WalMart for $130, pretty sweet! As soon as I saw it I was in love. It had the filing cabinet, but wasn't a monster and it fits perfectly where it needs to.

Can you tell I'm still working on the organizing part?

Many thanks to my wonderful hubby who put it together! It took THREE hours! It also didn't have the holes it needed so he had to drill some.

And if you were wondering... I want to get a floating shelf above it for pictures and desk stuff since it doesn't have a hutch, and then I want to do these cute flowers (matching my colors of course) from Design Dazzle. I am so ambitious huh? Someday it will all be up and cute. :) I am almost done with Ryan's room and will post pictures by next week. Super excited about that!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! I love the desk! Although I did the same thing and now my dest just gets filled up with crap! ha ha ha but I still like it a lot!
